Saturday, May 24, 2008

Gift Giving 101

anyone heard of this game called "Guitar Hero"?
Anyone got a 156 note streak on the first go?
Oh, just me, then!

But it's good.
Different, but still good.
Also, WiiFit.
It's very cute, although the trainers creep me out!
What happened to their faces, Momma?
Their FACES!

Also, it turns out I do have excellent balance!
In your face, self-doubts!
And I was really into seeing V ("V for Vendetta") doing step aerobics.
When he's not taking down corrupt governments, he's keeping his trim figure up with the Wii balance board!
"Nintendo: Helping you take down the man since 1984 or so".

So, Daniel needed a new chain wallet.
Guess who's the best wife ever and got him a Domo-Kun one?
Even though he doesn't really know who Domo-Kun is?
But has a wife who has liked him for the past 4 years or so?
And she liked the wallet a lot, but she can't wear a chain wallet because it makes her pants feel too off kilter?
And so basically she bought it for him, even though he never would have picked out for himself?
That's right, it was me!
I bought my husband a Domo-Kun chain wallet that he didn't really want, but after looking at it for 10 minutes with my hopeful face staring at him for those 10 minutes, he decided it was o.k. and he would keep it, he guessed!
It's the thought that counts, weiners!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Special Delivery, Canada!

Everday I wish for balloons.

This wish does not usually come true.

Actually, it hasn't come true in 982 days.
Almost 1,000 days without balloons.
How can I stand it?

One day, I'm going to take a bunch of dollars and buy a bunch of balloons.
Every color, with every color of ribbon.
I will tie them all around my body till I float away, free as I please.
I might land in a different country, so I should maybe have the balloonist inflate my passport in one of the balloons.

Maybe I will never land!

Maybe I will just float on up to Heaven!
Hiya, peeps!
What if I float PAST Heaven?
All I can imagine is that the universe just ends all of sudden, with just a huge picture of those rainbow bars that come on network channels after like 3 a.m..
That would be bizarre!
I wonder if there would be music?

You know, this Halloween, I'm buying more than two bottles of the spray on hair glitter (and the hair glow in the dark) spray.
Two just doesn't last from one Halloween to the next.
Use it on Halloween, Christmas, Tuesdays, concert-going-ons...
that's a lot of spray!

I'm going to The Cheesecake Factory on Monday for lunch.
I was thinking I'd maybe wear my tokidoki dress.
Over jeans and a layering t, of course.
It reveals more than I feel like revealing.
I'm so private!

(P.S. American Airlines, you really suck. Seriously. You're like the crap friend to people going places for more than one night. The crappy, unreliable, snob friend.)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Poster Child

O.K., so I got my Sansa.
I was afraid ol' amazon would raise the price, so I went ahead and bought it.


It's pretty awesome, and lest we forget the most important feature in electronices--it's pretty!
Now, my M83, Nouvelle Vague, and Brak all look super shiny awesome!

Also, I am seriously excited for Wii Fit!
I went ahead and pre-ordered it.
Here's a tip for all you young'uns out there:
Whenever I want to pre-order a game, I always ask if it comes with swag.
Even if it doesn't, the salespeople will usually round up something to give you.
YAY for consumerism!


But, anyway.
I love playing on balance boards!
( I have excellent balance, sorta, anyway.)
I love Wii!
I love Mii(s)!
All these things together should make for some fun, yes?

I've seen Iron Man twice now.
I like it.
A lot.
RDJ looks pretty o.k. in it!
And by "o.k.", I mean pretty hot.
However, I was hoping for some better trailers.
Harry Potter?


The first time I went, however, a guy in front yelled "That's my birthday!"
He yelled this after the "Prince Caspian" trailer.
For it said "May 16th" at the end of it.
Happy Belated Birthday, Random Guy Shouting Hilarious Things In The Theater!
Happy Birthday, everyone!