Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Time for m.f.t.!
meme fun times
Shall we gooooo?
001. What is user / screen name? onestrangekitten & starspunkle& robozippy
002. How old are you? 28
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?,,
004. Where are you right at this moment? north end of the living room
005. Choose 5 words to describe yourself: whimsical,
006. Do you smoke? nopes, I like smelling nice.
007. Do you drink? This question is so stupid. I'm assuming it's asking about liquor, right? Not water or kool-aid or ovaltine? If my hunch is correct, and you know it is, I would say no.
008. Do you swear? Yea, but it's something I hold in around the more conservative crowds!
009. Do you have low self-esteem? It's a happy medium.
010. Do you get online a lot? Yes.
011. Do you like taking pictures? Yes.
012. Do you like to have your picture taken? Sometimes.
013. Would you ever date someone 5-10 yrs younger than you? I dunno. I like people, not their ages.
014. Would you ever date someone 5-10 yrs older than you? Again, people not age.
15. Do you think you're weird or normal? I FEEL normal, but I KNOW I'm weird.
016. What do you like least about your body? It's limitations due to gravity.
017. What do you like most about your body? It's ability to jump.
018. Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? I dunno, prolly!
019. Do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends? A little of both is great!
020. Who knows the most about you? Daniel.
021. Who do you trust the most with your secrets? Daniel. Good thing he was the anwser to 20.
022. Name one person whose arms you feel safe in: Daniel's. I can fall sleep in no time flat!
Have you ever?
023. Been in love? Yes!
024. Had your heart broken? Yea, but no biggie. They heal!
025. Spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk? All the freakin' time.
026. Screamed so much you lost your voice? Yes!
027. Done something extremely unexpected? I think, I tend to do strange things anyway.
028. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing? All the time. It comes with doing unexected things.
029. Been called a tease? Of course.
030. What is your biggest fear? Being held in by fear.
031. What was your scariest dream? I used ot have a reoccuring one when I was a kid about the fan blades.
032. What was your best dream? Th eone I'm living!
033. What is your greatest strength? Making things funny?
034. Do you have any bad habits? Yup!
035. Do you think life has been good to you so far? Yes. It's up to me to be happy, to have a good life. You make the best of where you are, what you have, and make your own surprises, and share them with others. You make your life happy, and you spread it around, and eventually everyone's living alright.
036. Do you have any piercings? Yup.
037. What does your underwear look like? Panties? I have a lot of underpants, you guys. It's madness.
Which do you prefer?
038. Jeans or dress? jeans
039. Pizza or pasta? pasta, usually.
040. Rich or happy? HAPPY!
041. Shower or bath? Showers, usually.
042. Family or friends? Family, usually, but in small doses. friends are easier, 'cause you can kick them out and they're usually cool with that.
043. Kiss or hug? HUGS! But they're both awesome!
044. Bright or dark room? dark
045. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla!
046. Laugh out loud or chuckle quietly? laugh out loud, I can't laugh quietly, really.
047. Foreign movies....dubbed or subtitled? It really depends, sometimes I would rather watch the artwork (i.e. anime) than really follow a storyline.
048. Last furry thing you touched?I was laying on the carpet a second ago.
049. Song you listened to? "Don't Cry Out" by Shiny Toy Guns
050. Last person you talked to on the phone today? I think it was Daniel (I called him at work to see if he was ready for lunch).
051. Watched on TV? Simspons. There was a line that cracked me up. Homer calls Selma to get her help in making Apu a legal citizen (by marrying him). It went something like this:
Homer (calls Selma):Hello, Selma?
Selma my dear, how are you?
...Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
Listen, shut up for a second.
052. Compliment you received? "You dazzle." In fact, I just barely got that one. It's pretty sweet, and reminds me of Edward Cullen.
053. What are your first thoughts waking up? "Cupcakes and seahorses, and hee hee"
054. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? A big ol mix of colors, that colors in rainbows. Or green.
055. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Face!
056. Are you too shy to ask someone out? No! I mean I don't have to romantically, but I ask friends to do stuff all the time!
057. Most memorable experience with a friend? I married my best one.
058. Do you believe in soulmates? Yes, but I think people have more than one. At least seven.
059. Do you think that it's possible your heart doesn't give you a choice with whom it falls in love? Sure. It's an organ deep in my chest. I'm not really sure what it's up to most of the time.
060. What is something about you that people would be surprised to know? Usually my age.
061. What is one thing you've learned about yourself in the last year or so? I am a girl who really sticks to her guns.
Anyway, Saturday is gonna be a blast!

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