Well, I saw "The Dark Knight".
It was horrible!
Downright smelly.
There was no Harry Potter teaser trailer AT ALL!
Even though certain websites had led me to believe that it would, in fact, be playing with Batman.
And never mind that I watched the twenty three second trailer about seven times last night.
And never mind that it consists only of a black screen with a Dumbledore voiceover and strains of the familiar theme playing at the end.
And never mind that I saw one for Terminator 4.
I wanted some of everyone's sparkling headmaster!
No, not Sam the Eagle from "Muppet's Christmas Carol".
Oh well.
However, the film itself was most excellent, and everything you've heard already is true. Seriously one of the best movies ever to come out.
Did I like it better than Wall-E?
I don't know!
I do love me some Gary Oldman screentime, ya'll.
And Heath Ledger.
He understood his character so well.
My favorite line in the entire movie was a simple "Yea" muttered by The Joker.
I won't spoil it for you, you'll know it when you see it.
Jack Nicholson (the comparisons are inevitable) was just sorts being, well, Jack Nicholson.
And I was trying really hard to like Tim Burton's movies better than these, too.
But I can't buy X-Files tickets yet.
We're going on Friday since Saturday is going to be about 15 hours of volunteer time for me.
No kidding.
It's gonna WROK!
And check out what I got at the grocery store last night.
For fifty cents!
Official licensed Nintendo Animal Crossing Netsukes.
Oh my yes.
Oh my yes.
The really weird thing went down like this, though, you guys.
I got four quarters from the cashier.
I approached the machine and see a display of all the different ones you can get.
Being as I can only get two, I turn to Daniel and say
"I hope I get the pink girl & K.K. Slider!"
Woah, you guys.
Like, woah!
NYT Article About Calories or something.
I cracked up when they talked to the "astrologer".
I'm going to make up some weird profession
("Hello! I'm Sharann Hansen, I'm a Helicopter.")
when I give interviews from now on.
I wish someone would interview me.
About seahorses.
Otter pops.
Snowflakes stuck on windows!
Soap bubbles?
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